Monday, April 12, 2010

SMART Response VE - Can't Wait!

Just a quick post today featuring an awesome new product coming down the pipes from SMART Technologies.

SMART Response VE is being released in beta version in the near future.  Essentially, it allows teachers to use their Response assessments with any Internet-enabled devices!  Could this be the push that some schools need to open up cell-phone use in the class?

As always, having a Response system in your classroom is great for ease-of-use with summative assessments, but its value really comes in purposeful, consistent formative assessment. But that’s a blog post for another day…

If you’re interested in finding out more  click here.  SMART Technologies is also looking for schools to pilot the beta version of Response VE!

Can’t wait to see how this impacts the use of technology in the classroom :)



  1. Cool!!! Do you think it will be compatible with Promethean?

  2. This is the type of thing that Alan November was talking about at a conference in Melbourne, Australia last week. Cool!

  3. Sweet - that's awesome that word is spreading :) And Kelly, I'm not sure about compatibility with other platforms...SMART tends to not promote that, so we'll have to see what happens!


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