Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An Oldie But a Goodie

I don't have much to say today (shocking, I know), but I felt that in light of the recent debate that's re-brewing regarding standardized tests, I thought I'd post a great cartoon.  It's been around for awhile, but it's message is still as powerful and current as ever:

Courtesy of:
Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons

Once again, thanks to the awesome people at Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons for giving me permission to use this excellent cartoon on my blog!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. If only those spending CRAZY amounts of money on testing would see this and then actually CHANGE things.

  2. No doubt! Sometimes it seems so painfully obvious and yet those who make the decisions can't see the forest for the trees :)


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