Tuesday, February 2, 2010

#EdChat Drained Me Of Astute Comments -- Here's a Funny Cartoon Instead

A quick funny for your Tuesday. I could spend hours discussing my viewpoints on this concept in the classroom and what the possible solution(s) could be, but I feel that our #edchat discussions every Tuesday pretty much cover all of these potential topics. And besides, today's first #edchat basically drained me of my intellectual quota for today :)

Thanks to fellow tweeter @jdornberg for the link to this cartoon!


I'd also like to take a moment to thank the staff of Riverbend Jr High in Edmonton, AB for being a great audience last Friday! I enjoyed getting to share some SMART Board tips and tricks as part of your pd day, and the Greek food for lunch was fantastic too! :)

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. I don't know whether to laugh or cry! How sad that this is the state of education. I'm sorry that I missed out on this morning's #edchat. I am going to go through the archives now!

  2. very nice. We are changing our assessment system to become more authentic. Perfect cartoon!


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