As such, I've put together a cheat sheet of sorts for those who need it (whether they admit it or not)!
- Stands for "Really Simple Syndication" [thanks Wikipedia!]
- Used to 'follow' new information as it's updated -- can be in the form of news, comments on a website or new posts to a blog. (shameless self-plug here: click on the icon on the top-left corner of my page to follow the RSS feed for my blog!)
- Simplifies the content so you can get a basic overview, or click on the link to see the full original text
- Look for the orange logo on nearly every website these days and choose what email service you use -- future content will show up in the RSS folder on your email
#2. Ning
- This apparently is the Chinese word for "peace" (just a little FYI)
- Essentially is an online community (also known as a 'social network') for those with shared interests.
- You can join as many Nings as you'd like, which often have smaller groups within the larger community, member blogs, forums and links to websites that members may find useful. I personally am a member of many Nings including "The Educator's PLN" and "The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution"
- While the layout is quite simplistic, this is actually a fairly complicated application -- it combines email, instant messaging, social networking, meetings and file sharing.
- I particularly like the fact that users can reply to any parts within the conversation and embed some tools that MSN or Facebook Chat lack (such as polls, visuals and interactive activities).
- All you need to get started is an email address, and you can request an invitation to join the Wave!
#4. Jing
- Yes, it rhymes with "Ning" but it's nothing alike. Jing is actually an image and video capturing tool.
- Similar to "area capture" or "screen capture" in numerous pieces of software, it allows you to take pics of your desktop and upload them to a designated URL. You can also upload videos to YouTube.
#5. Wiki
- I personally thought this one was pretty self-explanatory, what with the explosion of Wikipedia over the last decade, but I stand corrected after I casually threw out the term amongst friends recently.
- Ultimately, it's a website that anyone can edit and post content to. Usually, these are hosted on servers (many companies have them) and thus the responsibility of sharing information no longer needs to fall on the shoulders of one person.
- According to Wikipedia, "Wiki" has been backronymed (made into an acronym after it's introduction) for "What I Know Is". Huh? Translation: the info on a wiki is only limited by the knowledge of the people contributing to it.
Images taken from Wikipedia with links here:RSS Logo and Google Wave Logo
I could have used these definitions when I was starting out, the idea of RSS was completely foreign to me. It is a good reminder that a shared vocabulary makes a world of difference. We can't very well suggest that teachers subscribe to a blog if they have no concept of an RSS feed. Thank you!