My motivation for this is two-fold:
1. I consistently get questions from teachers about how to effectively use their SMART Board with resources outside of SMART Notebook software.
2. Let's face it -- by the end of a work week, our brains are metaphorically fried, our attention spans shorter and our ability to sort through information diminished. Aside from pre-coffee Monday mornings, this is the time of the week when I'm least likely to dive into the depths of my intellectual side, so it's probably best for me to avoid exhaustive philosophical discussions of current educational pedagogy!
2. Let's face it -- by the end of a work week, our brains are metaphorically fried, our attention spans shorter and our ability to sort through information diminished. Aside from pre-coffee Monday mornings, this is the time of the week when I'm least likely to dive into the depths of my intellectual side, so it's probably best for me to avoid exhaustive philosophical discussions of current educational pedagogy!
Paint Splat is one of the best interactive elementary games on Peep and the Big Wide World. (It is the 3rd game from the top left)
Students need to select which tubes of paint they need to make Peep jump on in order to match the colour splat shown. Press on the hose to wash down the wall!
I've seen teachers use this as an inquiry project (students guess which colours might work), as a whole class review (the class votes on which colours should be selected) and as a small group learning center (groups of 3 - 4 students manipulate the board while others are working on other colour-related activities).
It's amusing, it's cute and best of all it's educational. And for those of you keeping track, it links to the following curriculum standard in Alberta: Grade 1 Science, Topic A - G.L.E. 5.
Happy Friday!
I hadn't seen paint splat before, thank you for sharing it. I am sending it on to our art teacher who is working with the color wheel right now, she is going to love it!