How will this affect you?
- If you currently subscribe via RSS, or use a link to the main page url (, you will not have any issues.
- If you have links posted to specific blog posts, you will NEED TO UPDATE YOUR LINKS over the coming weeks. The initial link will be broken until I can transfer that original post to the new site. At that point, you will be able to search for the new expanded url for each post on the new site.
- FYI, my plan is to sloooowly transfer older posts to the new site over the course of the next 7 - 10 days.
- If you previously commented on an older post, your comments will disappear from the comments section on the new site. I'm planning on at least taking a quick snapshot of comments from the old site so that we don't lose any conversations, ideas or questions that might help newcomers to the blog.
I thank everyone in advance for their support, patience and suggestions as I make this transition. (for those who have asked 'why' this is happening, it's simply a case of our company wanted to host all of our relevant pages ourselves rather than using a 3rd party site such as Blogger).
I'm super excited about this move now that I've had a chance to play with Joomla. I think I'll actually be able to do more, with greater efficiency.
If you have any questions, concerns or idea please email me:
Please also email me if you find broken links over the coming weeks! :)
Wish me luck!!
Good luck with the move Vanessa, hope it goes smoothly!